Just one of a few freebies I plan to post today. I guess we could call it FREEBIE FRIDAY at Kimberly.3D Scraps and Stuff! Woo Hoo! Check back as I upload some cool COMMERCIAL USE FREEBIES today! I love sharing!
Hi...I am Kimberly aka Kimberly.3D or Kimberly.3D ScrapsNStuff. Welcome to my site. Email me at kimberly3d@cox.net if you need anything otherwise send me a shout in my cbox. Hugs! Thanks for stopping by!
Hi I am a 42 year old mom of 5 and I love doing 3D and 2D artwork, 3D modeling and many other forms of artwork. I usually go by Kimberly.3D in the 3D world. I also love gardening and home decorating but I am also a computer-nut and gamer to-boot. My favorite games are World of Warcraft Online, Anarchy Online, and Eve Online. Lately though my artwork and my wife/mothering skills are the two I use the most.
Pretty much everyone in my family is computer savy so I have to fight to keep em clear of my machine. NO STICKY FINGERS ALLOWED. NO KIDS FINGERS ALLOWED. PERIOD. THIS IS MOM'S DOMAIN!
I am a Information Analyst and Software Test Engineer and Technical Writer who is not doing jack right now but being a stay at home mom.
I love all my kids. 4 are mine. One is mine but he is my nephew. He lives with us too.
I am from California and three years ago I moved here to Virginia Beach. I love it here although I may always be a California girl at heart! At least I get to be on another coast where I can access a beach.
Have fun and visit me often cuz I love making new friends!
If you want to email me try kimberly3d@cox.net.
What Are Your Favorite Colors - Multiple Choices Okay
Thanks for Visiting My Bloggie
Welcome guests! I am glad you stopped in.
My focus in scrapbooking is probably more of making commercial use elements. I like to make creative stuff that you can put in your scrap kits for free or at an affordable cost.
I love art in general and have been drawing, coloring and painting since I was about 4. At 5 I was drawing intricate pictures of princes and princesses, castles and horses, forests and houses.
By third grade I had won a Lamplighters Art Contest and somehow I managed to win first place with a painting of a cactus tree. This was a big deal because I think it was from 64 classes worth of art or something like that. I got to ride on a float and the kids were mean to me because I won first place. I won a trophy and my art went to some museum in the high desert.
I adore doing digital art of any kind and I often will immerse myself in projects.
In college while others were making pinch pots in pottery somehow I felt the urge to sculpt beautiful figurines, which were stolen by other students for some strange reason.
As an adult people were alway trying to get me to come give them advice on how to fix up their homes and I should have probably went into interior design. I also love designing clothing and fairy garb. I keep a black book with my drawings of beautiful fae and their delicate glittery garments consisting of flowing fabrics, berries, twigs, ribbons and gems.
I have always been extremely artistic and I just love creating. I also do digital art, 3d modeling, 3d texturing, making jewelry,drawing, pastels, oil painting, acrylic painting, tole painting, sewing, gardening, home decorating, you name it, most likely I do it.