Hey friends....
How are you all this fine holiday season.
I am just waiting for the snow. It isn't here yet but it sure is cold enough.
I am trying to get a housekeeper on board so I can keep up with my busy life. I seem to be drowning in housework. I think I never ever stop doing laundry and I think I do at least 10 loads a day no kidding. I wish I had less laundry but I am glad I do have the beautiful children who make it all. I hope I can find someone reasonable for at least 4 times a month. I cleaned all day yesterday then most of today and I am still not done.
I can only say I have been so tired. I had a big scare with some tissue that looked cancerous in my breast. I had to go have extra scans done and I was a wreck for several days until I found out the tissue looked non-cancerous. I now have to have a mammogram done every 6 months. I am sure that means I am high risk for breast cancer now. If it does happen I am just gonna get them taken completely off and I will have my breasts redone by dr. 90210. lol. He rocks. My husband better save up if he wants me to have nice breasts after that kind of invasive procedure. Haha. He is very sweet he will get me what ever I want. And I would do anything for him too. Did you know that insurance companies try to send you home the same day after a masectomy. Even a double masectomy. How horrid. Some people try to drive themselves home alone after them too. I heard it is like a nightmare. I really just hope God is with them. I can't imagine going through something like that alone.
Anyway I have to finish painting one more bathroom and my bedroom and then hopefully I will get a break for the holiday. After that I will focus on replacing all my bathroom counters and floors. Then my kitchen gets new granite hopefully and new floors.
Here is an add-on to the set you can find at Farrah's Creations....I am accepting donations of any amount towards Jillann's Charity for her illness which will be given to Farrah's creations for Jillann. I am doing this so for two reasons.
One, I cannot give all of the items away due to CU limitations.
Two, Jillann, one of our scrappin friends really needs help for her medical treatment.
When you donate you will get the following items...
4 Beautiful Papers
2 Quick Pages
74 Elements
6 Glitter Fills
However If you bought the big kit at Farrah's Creations, just let me know you can get this one for free as an add-on to the big kit. Just email me your order number and I will send you the links for free.

Sample Quick Page 1

Sample Quick Page 2
Please be patient as I make the links available.
The addon will be available by payloadz via paypal. All proceeds will be forwarded to Farrah to be forwarded to Jillann to help her with medical care and other needs.
If you want to buy the mega kit go see Farrah at...
http://farrahscreations.blogspot.com/It is a huge kit and the proceeds go to help our sick scrapping friend
Jillann. Just buy it you won't be sorry it is huge....You can then get mine for free. Just email me your order number to
kimberly3d@cox.net.I really need to get back into my 3d Art but that has been put on the wayside...so my beautiful new iMac is just sitting there. How sad, eh? Oh well lets hope I can put it to good use soon.
My husband was so sweet to buy it for me. He knows how much my art and animation means to me. I am so excited to have a wonderful husband like him. Thanks hunny.
Now I gotta go get a recipe somewhere to make lollipops for my daughers school fundraiser.
Well have a wonderful day.