I am not usually a tagger. I don't even know where to begin with tagging, But I love to make stuff and I downloaded these really cute templates which I never used before and so here is what I made...LOL...they are pretty cute! I got the templates here at BitsNBobsByLoz.
Here is what I made....
Doesn't everyone just desire a cute little kitten even if they are allergic to it? I sure do and man do they make me have a serious allergy attack. Unless I only hold them for 1-2 minutes and then wash like crazy, take a hundred allergy pills and have my inhaler handy. I will be lucky if my eyes don't swell up so bad I can't see.
I can actually pet my cat with my foot but It is an outdoor cat and it won't let me pet it. I do have a Maltese dog too but I let my husband and kids do all the petting. I am not allergic to him per say but a lot of the grass and dirt he gets on him makes me itch so I only pet him occassionally but he is well trained by his human mommy and he is a good doggie so he gets lots of treats and he gets to live inside. He actually will let me pet him with my foot or hand....lol. My feet do not tend to react quite as bad as my hands and wrists so I can give him a gentle pet with my foot when he lays by me and then I don't have to run to the hospital just for petting him.
Well you must think I have the worlds worst allergies but honestly they are only the second worst. Just grass, hayfever, cats, dogs, horses, 10 kinds of dustmites, shrimp *wah* and anything else that I am not sure of like probably ragweed, and other miscellaneous pets.
Did I say I am allergic to teenagers....Oh darn I have a couple of those but they keep making me itch cuz they won't stop buggin me. Ok just kidding. I love all my pesky teens.
You know I am slightly allergic to them because they are always taking all my money for the mall, taking my car and my husbands car constantly, taking my credit card to 7-11 for junk food, bringing over loads of friends who eat all the household food, kissing with other teenagers which we try to prevent by not reminding them to brush their teeth(jk), buying lots of pay per views, running up the bill on our Blockbuster card and then going to the movies with our money, ah, lets see, playing loud music in the house which means I can't focus, it puts me in to anaphalactic teenager shock.
And then there are the pre-teens. I have one of those. She bugs the teens which means I get yelled at and then there is the little kindergarten child who bugs the preteen. They both eat all the ice cream in the house and all the cookies and gheesh what is left for poor ole mommy? Diet bars and Diet Microwave Meals, Sigh, because you know no matter how much Poor Ole Mommy runs her bootie off there is still more work to be done, more laundry to be washed and no weightloss from all that runnin!
Well have a happy and beautiful day and thanks for listening to my silliness. I love all my beautiful children, no matter how much craziness they put me through. I am a very blessed mother!!!
I also love all my friends for leaving me lovely messages so don't forget to leave me some love. I know you all get busy but I really like hearing your comments so I know if you like or don't like my work.
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