Wednesday, December 17, 2008
I got an award!!!

Monday, November 24, 2008
Blog Template Set - Jillann's Blessings
So tired but so happy.

Wow look at this pretty tag I made from a template from Bits N' Bobz by LOZ. Thanks Laura for this beautiful tag and for the award. FEEL FREE TO USE IT!!!
Hi forgive me for having a white blog for a few days. I have not had time to find another picture host that will host larger images and photobucket is just not doing it for me. Maybe I will serve them myself but finding time to do it has been a big challenging lately.
Well the girls saw Twilight so they are definitely happy. I liked it too and had just finished the book anyhow.
Then they had to have new jackets since they were cold so we took them shopping...ugh...teens can shop forever and never like a thing you mention to them....
So while we were at the mall my wonderful hubby bought me a beautiful marquis anniversary ring at our favorite jewelry store. It has 7 marquis on it and it is just lovely, It is a carat total weight and really sparkly. What a wonderful surprise. It is not coming off my finger so someone will have to take the finger to get it off. LOL. I better get it one half size larger or it just may be stuck. Especially if I have a potato chip binge and my water levels get high from salt intake. I thought he was nice when he bought me my wedding ring, Holy cow that thing is 2 carats. He is spoiling me.
I had to buy a safe today since we have a new housekeeper starting and we have been robbed several times, the last girl took a cell phone and voila in 10 days we had a 500 dollar phone bill. I also had a safe stolen and sawed open(with my own saw) before by my son and nephew so this one is big and impossible to carry off. I was fortunate to get most of my jewelry back but many valuable things were lost such as my husbands military medals and a few precious items that were tiny and easy to lose. I did get most of the items back but it taught me that sometimes even family can steal.
Even your own child can steal from you which I never would have imagined in my younger years. But now I know they can. My son and nephew were mad because I exited them from my house at 18 after warning them for three months of the upcoming date and after giving them money to help with their rent and food they still were angry at me. But they refused to get up in the morning and were content with laying around all day refusing to go to college and failing to get to work on time. Quitting good jobs and not helping to pay rent. Not my problem the non-compliance was. Time to move out. Sitting on the floor throwing a fit, out partying all night long. You can't say they didn't deserve a reality check. Now they wish they had listened. They are lucky I did not press charges against them. They still love me and I still love them but my ability to deal with them has diminished, I know they have caused me a great deal of PTSD but what can I do. I just do not trust them anymore, that's all there is to it.
Well I got an award today from LOZ, I will have to get to that tomorrow. How exciting. I also have to go back and finish up one award. Then to getting some freebies posted. Bad me for taking so darn long. Hang in there while I catch up.
Love to all...and Happy Holidays. OOOppp remind me to defrost my turkey starting tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Accepting Jillann's Blessing Add On Donations
How are you all this fine holiday season.
I am just waiting for the snow. It isn't here yet but it sure is cold enough.
I am trying to get a housekeeper on board so I can keep up with my busy life. I seem to be drowning in housework. I think I never ever stop doing laundry and I think I do at least 10 loads a day no kidding. I wish I had less laundry but I am glad I do have the beautiful children who make it all. I hope I can find someone reasonable for at least 4 times a month. I cleaned all day yesterday then most of today and I am still not done.
I can only say I have been so tired. I had a big scare with some tissue that looked cancerous in my breast. I had to go have extra scans done and I was a wreck for several days until I found out the tissue looked non-cancerous. I now have to have a mammogram done every 6 months. I am sure that means I am high risk for breast cancer now. If it does happen I am just gonna get them taken completely off and I will have my breasts redone by dr. 90210. lol. He rocks. My husband better save up if he wants me to have nice breasts after that kind of invasive procedure. Haha. He is very sweet he will get me what ever I want. And I would do anything for him too. Did you know that insurance companies try to send you home the same day after a masectomy. Even a double masectomy. How horrid. Some people try to drive themselves home alone after them too. I heard it is like a nightmare. I really just hope God is with them. I can't imagine going through something like that alone.
Anyway I have to finish painting one more bathroom and my bedroom and then hopefully I will get a break for the holiday. After that I will focus on replacing all my bathroom counters and floors. Then my kitchen gets new granite hopefully and new floors.
Here is an add-on to the set you can find at Farrah's Creations....I am accepting donations of any amount towards Jillann's Charity for her illness which will be given to Farrah's creations for Jillann. I am doing this so for two reasons.
One, I cannot give all of the items away due to CU limitations.
Two, Jillann, one of our scrappin friends really needs help for her medical treatment.
When you donate you will get the following items...
4 Beautiful Papers
2 Quick Pages
74 Elements
6 Glitter Fills
However If you bought the big kit at Farrah's Creations, just let me know you can get this one for free as an add-on to the big kit. Just email me your order number and I will send you the links for free.
Please be patient as I make the links available.
The addon will be available by payloadz via paypal. All proceeds will be forwarded to Farrah to be forwarded to Jillann to help her with medical care and other needs.
If you want to buy the mega kit go see Farrah at... http://farrahscreations.blogspot.com/It is a huge kit and the proceeds go to help our sick scrapping friend Jillann. Just buy it you won't be sorry it is huge....You can then get mine for free. Just email me your order number to kimberly3d@cox.net.
Now I gotta go get a recipe somewhere to make lollipops for my daughers school fundraiser.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Thursday, October 30, 2008
CU Overlay Freebie 1

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Awarded Kreativ Blogger Award!

I am so thrilled I got another award. I am just really loving today!
Now I better get busy! This award came from Cindi at Designs by Cindi. I ALSO GOT IT FROM Andrew at Scrappies by AD so I am gonna combine the two because I am short on time as usual.
Cindi, thank you I feel so honored to recieve this award. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.
This is really a cool opportunity to pick some "kreativ" blogs out. Yeahhh!!!!!
An Award Yeah!!!!

I got an Award from Laura at Bitz N Bobs By Loz.
I am honored to recieve this award. I think I am so happy to have so many beautiful friends out there who care! I think Laura is especially talented and I absolutely love her templates. She is tops!!! I really am grateful to recieve this award from Laura! Thanks doll!
Woo hoo! Ok I better get busy picking winners. I have a bunch of awards to follow up on!
~What a beautiful day~
Blessings this way have come and from this way they will also come!!!
Sending lots of love out to my online friends!
Poetry From Me - Use Your Heart Wisely
However here is some poetry I wrote this morning. Hope you like it.
Use Your Heart Wisely
Working even though you must
Among the vixens, devils and the dust
Come at dawn I mere not say, but however
You are there till no sun is left in the day.
My soul forever is gone to you,
To no other man can it ever be,
A feeling deep within the depths of trust
I know you have given way to me.
When you are near me, sleeping in darkness,
I know your dreams must be of light,
Beauty and love sucumb to your wishes,
Because you tempt me with all your might.
Within my heart, flesh and mind,
I find myself cherishing day and time,
For with you spent is my whole life,
Feeling fortune made me your wife.
How can I relieve your woes,
The working everlasting stress,
The one which makes your heart weak and pain,
How can I make your youth regained.
My sweet, my sweet, I say to you,
To work with ferverence and your heart must be true,
For safe you keep us in your hold,
And true your devotion to love you behold.
How sweet my memory of each time you are near,
I worry my heart would not be able to bear,
Lost to me if you would be,
I can not bear it, I can not bear the thought my sweet.
Your finger types though weary and flat,
Keep your words carefully you must,
Though I feel your want of caring
I worry for your heart is tiring.
Please love tis due time for you to find peace.
Do not give in to the thiefs.
The ones who take your life and soul,
Those minds who would wish your demise.
Be safe my love, be careful, take care,
You know they covet your brilliant thoughts.
To take your work and oh so swiftly they would,
and leave you behind like a carcass they will.
Be wary with life's precious breath
Surely to invest it wisely, my love, my hope,
Because life is oh so short and so sweet
and soon comes death,
Risk your life, do not my dove.
Take care my love, take care.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Yay! I got an award! Sheeyahh!

Thanks to Shemani at The Sanctuary for this awesome award. Today has been awesome and I have so many new friends online. I am so blessed to have you all.
Thank you hon for this honor. I am so excited because I have so many awards in such a short period of time. I have to play catchup this weekend and send out some awesome awards. I guess I better get busy.
I guess I should post something awesome for FREEBIE FRIDAY!
What kind of Rose I am....
You are a Dark Red Rose |
![]() You represent unconscious beauty and deep passion. Your vibe: sophisticated and worldly Falling in love with you is: wildly carnal and forbidden |
I got an Award!!!

Ok so the rule on this one is to pass it forward to 7 of your favorite blogs. Wow more fun choices.
Here are some awesome blogs:
Mimival at MP Design
Melissa at Kanela's Expressions
Maman at Maman Grenouille
Cindi at Designs By Cindi
Nicole at Irresistable Scraps
Thaty at Thaty Borges Digital Scrapbook Designs
Sil at Scrap SN
Thank you all for being wonderful and inspiring artists and for having fantastic blogs!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Yay! I got an award! Woo hoo!

I got an award from Laura at Bits 'N" Bobz by Loz. Yay!!!! Thank you Loz. You are an inspiration to me.
Go and check out her incredible templates....
This award is called the "Proximidade Award" or "Friendship Around The World Award". Originally this award was written in spanish, but it translates to highlight blogs that are pleasing or special in some way, and also to extend the hand of friendship around the world.
The rule is to pass this award on to 6 great blogs. My 6 choices are:
Coming shortly!
Be back soon with my choices.
Ok here are my choices for this award:
Bel Vidotti
Andrew at Scrappies by AD
Monica and Lorna at Simply Sensational Scraps
Diamond at Diamonds Dazzles
Bluebirds Blog
Carolina Girl Scraps
Good luck friends and thank you for all your great sharing!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Artists I Enjoy - featuring MP Design -

I just have to brag about the cutest free kit...it's at MP Designs...I just made this quickpage with it...I will see if she will let me post a download to my quickpage since it is her item but I sent it to her. I think she did a beautiful job with it. The items are so beautiful and unique. I am just gonna have so much fun.
This is her kit...I just wanted to give her a plug since she did such a great job.

Sunday, September 28, 2008
K3D Monkey Love FREEBIE

Here is a cute kit I made for my friends who asked. One of my scripts came out fuzzy for some reason but it's still a really fun kit.
Download below
Elements (re-upped due to glitch on 10/27/08 at 1:05 PM EST.)

Quick Pages 1(re-upped due to upload glitch)
Quick Pages 2
Happy Scrapping!
Friday, September 26, 2008
CU PSP Script - Frame All Tied Up 2

Here is another cute frame script!
This script creates a nice frame with a ribbon wrap and flower with a brad center. You can customize your colors, gradients or patterns and just
click the start button. It does everything from create the image to
hand shade each element. You can further customize the element at the
end due to the open ended layers. Created by Sugar Plum Scraps aka
* PSP X or Higher
* Works With Colors, Gradients and Patterns
* Each Script Has A Beautiful and Unique Design
* Opens It's Own Document
* Open Ended Layers for Maximum Creativity
* Install to Restricted-Scripts in Paint Shop Pro
* Commercial Use Ok
* Personal Use Ok
* Scrap 4 Hire Ok
Cost $2.00
Purchase below using Payloads via Paypal...
This is an instant download...

CU PSP Script - Frame All Tied Up 1

Here is another script. It is really handy...
This script creates a nice frame with a tie and brad. You can customize your colors, gradients or patterns and just click the start button. It does everything from create the image to hand shade each element. You can further customize the element at the end due to the open ended layers. Created by Sugar Plum Scraps aka Kimberly.3D.
- PSP X or Higher
- Works With Colors, Gradients and Patterns
- Each Script Has A Beautiful and Unique Design
- Opens It's Own Document
- Open Ended Layers for Maximum Creativity
- Install to Restricted-Scripts in Paint Shop Pro
- Commercial Use Ok
- Personal Use Ok
- Scrap 4 Hire Ok
Purchase below using Payloads via Paypal...
This is an instant download...


Hi Friends...
Got a few minutes to re-post this valuable tutorial for those of you who asked.
How To Customize Your Blogger Blog (Link Updated)
Also you can find the link in my itemized section on the right lower panel.
It is a little daunting the first time but once you get it you can easily update in a few minutes.
If you need help just let me know.
I will be posting some cool blog templates in the future for those of you who don't want to create one but still want yours to look hot! All you will have to do is upload your template to a picture hoster like Photobucket and then update your code. You will have the option of a nice logo too.
Will start working on some of those shortly. I may offer a customization service for the Logos for a buck or two.
My thoughts were to make some:
- Diva-ish Templates
- Sweet N Sassy Templates
- Holiday Templates
- Shabby Chic Templates
- Gothic Templates
- Professional and Conservative Templates
- Masculine Templates
Thanks for swinging in. I really hope you all post your bloggies when you use my cpanel so I can visit you too...
Sending lotsa hugs!
CU PSP Script K3D Flower 22

I am posting some of my scripts. I am behind due to work going on around the house to prepare for our move in the new year.
Here is a cute one. I am posting some of my favorites first.
This script creates a pretty fancy layered flower with a gem-like center. You can customize your colors, gradients or patterns and just click the start button. It does everything from create the image to hand shade each element. You can further customize the element at the end due to the open ended layers. Created by Sugar Plum Scraps aka Kimberly.3D.
- PSP X or Higher
- Works With Colors, Gradients and Patterns
- Each Script Has A Beautiful and Unique Design
- Opens It's Own Document
- Open Ended Layers for Maximum Creativity
- Install to Restricted-Scripts in Paint Shop Pro
- Commercial Use Ok
- Personal Use Ok
- Scrap 4 Hire Ok
Purchase below using Payloads via Paypal...
This is an instant download...

CU PSP Script Bare Branch 1 FREEBIE

So here is a CU FREEBIE for you. I thought everyone could use a branch to put their flowers and stuff on so, here you go. Things you can dangle from it would be flowers, ribbons, clothing, gems, ornaments, lights, stars, etc.
- PSP X or Higher
- Works With Colors, not guaranteed with gradients or patterns
- Each Script Has A Beautiful and Unique Design
- Opens It's Own Document
- Open Ended Layers for Maximum Creativity
- Install to Restricted-Scripts in Paint Shop Pro
- Commercial Use Ok
- Personal Use Ok
- Scrap 4 Hire Ok
Cost $0.00 Download from 4-shared here or click picture above. Please leave me love. It takes time to create and put these up for you. I love reading feed back!
Happy creating!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
CU PSP Script Flower 5

Here is another script. I really like this one...
This script creates a pretty fancy flower with a fuzzy center. You can customize your colors, gradients or patterns and just click the start button. It does everything from create the image to hand shade each element. You can further customize the element at the end due to the open ended layers. Created by Sugar Plum Scraps aka Kimberly.3D.
- PSP X or Higher
- Works With Colors, Gradients and Patterns
- Each Script Has A Beautiful and Unique Design
- Opens It's Own Document
- Open Ended Layers for Maximum Creativity
- Install to Restricted-Scripts in Paint Shop Pro
- Commercial Use Ok
- Personal Use Ok
- Scrap 4 Hire Ok
Purchase below using Payloads via Paypal...
This is an instant download...

Thanks for visiting!
CU PSP Script Polka Dot Butterfly 2

- PSP X or Higher
- Works With Colors, Gradients and Patterns
- Each Script Has A Beautiful and Unique Design
- Opens It's Own Document
- Open Ended Layers for Maximum Creativity
- Install to Restricted-Scripts in Paint Shop Pro
- Commercial Use Ok
- Personal Use Ok
- Scrap 4 Hire Ok
You can purchase now through Payloadz via Paypal...

Monday, September 22, 2008
3Scrapateers ScatterZ Challenge Screwup...
This is my kit which I should be releasing any time now. It was inspired by a nice girl in a group I belong to. She wanted someone to make a kit out of her fabric swatches.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Commercial Usage Script - Gift Box 1

I am putting up a new script for sale. It's a cute gift box with a bow and flowers on it.
I understand it is expensive to buy scripts so I am making them reasonably priced at $2.00. I offer paypal and payloads so you can instantly get your download right after payment.
This script is open ended so you can further manipulate the image...ie move the flowers around, etc. The nice thing is you can also take the flowers layers, bow and box layers separately and use them in your kit.
K3D CU Gift Box 1 PSP Script $2.00

Thanks for looking.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
CU Elven Elements

I have a surprise for you but unfortunately it is not free. These elven renders are perfect for art collages, art projects, digital scrapbooking, etc. Feel free to use them in commercial projects.
If you want to see them close up you can just click the image and see the quality. Rendering 3D characters is very time consuming and greatly computer resource intensive. They are also fun and beautiful to use.
Cost: $5.00
You can buy them directly from my blog via Paypal. I will also have them at my other store shortly.

Friday, September 12, 2008
I am not usually a tagger. I don't even know where to begin with tagging, But I love to make stuff and I downloaded these really cute templates which I never used before and so here is what I made...LOL...they are pretty cute! I got the templates here at BitsNBobsByLoz.
Here is what I made....

Doesn't everyone just desire a cute little kitten even if they are allergic to it? I sure do and man do they make me have a serious allergy attack. Unless I only hold them for 1-2 minutes and then wash like crazy, take a hundred allergy pills and have my inhaler handy. I will be lucky if my eyes don't swell up so bad I can't see.
I can actually pet my cat with my foot but It is an outdoor cat and it won't let me pet it. I do have a Maltese dog too but I let my husband and kids do all the petting. I am not allergic to him per say but a lot of the grass and dirt he gets on him makes me itch so I only pet him occassionally but he is well trained by his human mommy and he is a good doggie so he gets lots of treats and he gets to live inside. He actually will let me pet him with my foot or hand....lol. My feet do not tend to react quite as bad as my hands and wrists so I can give him a gentle pet with my foot when he lays by me and then I don't have to run to the hospital just for petting him.
Well you must think I have the worlds worst allergies but honestly they are only the second worst. Just grass, hayfever, cats, dogs, horses, 10 kinds of dustmites, shrimp *wah* and anything else that I am not sure of like probably ragweed, and other miscellaneous pets.
Did I say I am allergic to teenagers....Oh darn I have a couple of those but they keep making me itch cuz they won't stop buggin me. Ok just kidding. I love all my pesky teens.
You know I am slightly allergic to them because they are always taking all my money for the mall, taking my car and my husbands car constantly, taking my credit card to 7-11 for junk food, bringing over loads of friends who eat all the household food, kissing with other teenagers which we try to prevent by not reminding them to brush their teeth(jk), buying lots of pay per views, running up the bill on our Blockbuster card and then going to the movies with our money, ah, lets see, playing loud music in the house which means I can't focus, it puts me in to anaphalactic teenager shock.
And then there are the pre-teens. I have one of those. She bugs the teens which means I get yelled at and then there is the little kindergarten child who bugs the preteen. They both eat all the ice cream in the house and all the cookies and gheesh what is left for poor ole mommy? Diet bars and Diet Microwave Meals, Sigh, because you know no matter how much Poor Ole Mommy runs her bootie off there is still more work to be done, more laundry to be washed and no weightloss from all that runnin!

Well have a happy and beautiful day and thanks for listening to my silliness. I love all my beautiful children, no matter how much craziness they put me through. I am a very blessed mother!!!
I also love all my friends for leaving me lovely messages so don't forget to leave me some love. I know you all get busy but I really like hearing your comments so I know if you like or don't like my work.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
CU PSP Script K3D Flowered Branch 1

I have a really nice share for you today. It works great with colors, gradients and patterns. This is a FREEBIE. Hope you have fun with it. I have lots more coming for sale but I have been so busy working on my house I have gotten a bit behind. If you want to share it just share the link to the blog please. Please make sure and leave me some love cuz I love to share when people remember to give some!
Tested with no problems.
Click picture above or download here.
Thanks again to Peggy for the award she gave me earlier!!!
Well talk about happy. I am feeling so spoiled. I got my new High Efficiency Bosch Washer and Dryer. They rock. The washer is so quiet. And the only downfall is you have to buy laundry soap that has HE on it for High Efficiency. However my washer barely uses any water and has a eco mode to save water. The best part is that I can do the sanitize/steam thing to my clothes. Wow no more dust mite buggers making me itch. Yes I am allerific...meaning terrific but struck with moderately bad allergies...hahah.
The other cool thing is it cleans much faster and dries much faster and this makes me happy.
I got through tons of loads already. Maybe 10 since this morning at 5 am.
I am rocking and a rolling out the laundry. LOL.
Ok I am done gloating. I had to call my husband this morning to thank him for letting me get them. Now I better get my lazy butt on my treadmill.
I got an Award!!!
Again I am very excited because another of my wonderful online friends gave me an award today!!! I am going to have to share something special to celebrate.

It was from Penny.....from Penny Duncan Creations!!!!
Penny is an extremely creative gal whose blog I love exploring! She is so talented and has a lot of wonderful crafty ideas. Thank you Penny for thinking of me.
I will be listing my next bunch of favorite artists shortly to share this award with!
These seem to be the rules....
1.The winner can put the logo on her blog
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of the girls you’ve nominated.
OK I have decided who to nominate:
1. Delicious Scraps -
2. Tagger Scraps
3. Designs by Dede - Dede
4. The Scrapping Cop - Deb
5. Kittz Creationz - Kittz
6. Gothic Inspirations - Jessica
7. Candy's Treats - Diane
I will be busy posting their links and notifying them so Congratulations to my favorite bloggers.
I am in a particularly great mood since I got my new high efficiency washer and dryer yesterday and now this lovely blog award! Let me go see what I can share to celebrate. Be back shortly with a surprise!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
I stopped by the cutest site....
Kittz Kreationz....she has so much great cu stuff and the cutest little kit ever called "Oh So Pretty" and it's free. I had to say something because I was so happy I was like a kid in a candy shop and when an artist shares really good stuff then it really is a good day!!!!
So after you purooouuuuse my site make sure to swing over and visit Kittz Kreationz and I think you will be so happy you did....There is a cute bug, an owl, puppy, frog and kitty templates & more....you will just die of happiness when you see them and see that they are CU and free..... woo hoo.
PS there are tons of free CU stuff on my site too so swing down my menu to where you can click Commercial Use Items Free and you should get them all one one page for downloading. My psp scripts are also CU. I know they are monochrome but I will be sharing some normal psp scripts so make sure to link me so you can swing in for more goodies soon!
The other thing I have today for you is to show you how to fix up your blog if you use Blogger.
So many people were asking and I realize a lot of people are not coders or IT professionals so I summed it up for you. So make sure to download the text document with instructions. It is really pretty easy.
Download the text instructions here.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
CU Butterfly 2 Monochrome PSP Script Freebie

Oh my gosh. I guess I am gonna give this away too....I made another butterfly when I was just learning. It was before I understood how to get the colors working. So here you go. It comes out beautiful but in monochrome. Recolor and do what ever you want. Commercial Usage Ok. Tou is included but honestly I don't care so much...just have fun with it. It works in PSP X and up.
Thanks to all the wonderful people in the community who share! I love you all!
My kit will be up for sale maybe by Monday. I would have had it up sooner but I am working on my house right now. We are moving to DC eventually in the next year....I have to sell my beautiful house and find something new so I am working on making it spick and span so I can get my money back since the housing market is a little on the low side. Otherwise we will lose all the money we put into it.
Click picture above for freebie or click here...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Distracting Background,,,,
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
CU Butterfly 1 Monochrome PSP Script Freebie

I am back with a nice little gift for you today. I am sending a script your way. When I first started making scripts recently they didn't get written right at first. I made this one in black and white by accident. However that is to your advantage. It should make itself in monochrome and you can re-color at your convenience. I also had a little change of mind with the antennae which I ended up removing one. This script is open ended and stops in layers so you can further manipulate it. Overall it comes out well and I thought I would share it. Personal and Commercial Use allowed. No guarantees on this script. Made and tested in PSP X. Have fun.
Click image above or download here. Leave me some love...